Individual Consultation - living more consciously, not through emotions, is the ultimate goal. “When an individual becomes a person, the beauty hidden in the individual, which is divine, develops, and the development of the beauty is personality.” - HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN Exploration of beliefs and adaptive behaviors, that may have worked in childhood, but no longer serve you as an adult, is part of the journey. What Steve Jobs eloquently said in his commencement speech at Stanford, 2005, beautifully describes the existential journey of psychotherapy.
 “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion’s drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs Most people seek psychotherapy because they are experiencing a problem in their lives which, however hard they try, however hard they think about it, they cannot seem to be able to resolve. If you find that what started as a simple problem has grown to such an extent that it interferes with your sleep, appetite, relationships and work, then psychotherapy might be helpful. Psychotherapy might not be suitable for all problems. If there is an underlying medical problem, then the specialist help of your General Practitioner is the first approach. People in psychotherapy are not ‘patients’, being a patient has overtones of illness, and also of cure. Becoming a client does not imply illness, neither do psychotherapist speak of cure. On the contrary, psychotherapists works with your strengths, not your weaknesses. Psychotherapy is like a journey. You start, continue and reach the end, and sometimes you have to take the same journey a few more times at different depths. I integrate many different approaches and techniques, depending on the issue, to help you increase your self-awareness and understanding of your behavior patterns and belief systems. With awareness, comes choice and the opportunity to choose more satisfying and healthier ways of living. There is no set plan, no agenda that I use to guide you. I appreciate the uniqueness of each client’s inner world and language, a uniqueness that requires me to invent a new therapy language for each client. My paramount task is to build a relationship together, that will itself become the agent of change. The relationship is the therapy! As a transpersonal psychotherapist in my work with you, I will, with your consent, use various methods to help you to explore the problems you face. I may use visualizations, meditations, dreamwork, breathing and body awareness techniques to access and explore this wider domain. Love & Laughter... “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” - Carl R. Rogers ............................................................................................................................................................................... Types of Consultation: Individual, Couples, Group and Family Therapy Workshops and ongoing groups in relationships, and a special groups for women only, are available. I invite you to contact me to discuss your needs with no obligation or cost to you. Please call me at 404.771.1649. I can generally return your call within 24 hrs. TERMS Therapy sessions are reserved specifically for each client. Continuity and reserving sessions are important for your progress. Please notify me at least 48 hours in advance if you must cancel your appointment. If possible we can agree on another time, preferably within a week’s period. I will not charge you for the missed session if it is beyond the 48 hours notice. I will not charge for missed session once per year for extreme extenuating circumstances. Without 48 hours advanced notice, I charge for the session since I cannot use it to see another client. I will give you several weeks notice of my vacations and ask that you do the same. Termination should be discussed in full. Generally, a termination that gradually tapers off therapy is advisable. You may pay weekly, preferably at the beginning of each session, or at the beginning of each month. Special arrangements may be made by mutual agreement. Please be aware that I do not accept insurance, however, I am willing to work within your budget. You will be charged a $25 service charge for returned checks. Your fee is sufficient payment. For sake of your growth, I do not accept gifts for holidays or special events, nor socialize at social gatherings.

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Site created by Strokes of Geenius / Shari Gee